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Our range of Self Contained Bell Boxes are suitable for wall mounting and provide a practical and visual deterrent to intruders.
Deltabell CoverPyronix Deltabell Cover for use with all Delta bell sounders and decoys. ..
Deltabell DecoyDummy Bell Box ..
Deltabell Plus (Grade 2)External Sounder (Backlit)The Deltabell PLUS features a fully back-l..
Odyssey 1 decoy, Texecom Dummy SounderOdy1 Decoy, dummy bellbox ..
Odyssey 2E, Dummy bellboxOdy2 Decoy, dummy bellbox ..
Odyssey 3E, Decoy external sounderOdy3 Decoy, Dummy Bellbox ..
Odyssey 4E, Decoy bellboxOdy4 Decoy, Dummy External Sounder ..
Odyssey 5E, Texecom External SounderOdy5 decoy, dummy bellbox ..
Odyssey 1E, Texecom External SounderDesigned for maximum reliability at the most cost-effective ..
Odyssey 2E, Texecom External SounderDesigned for maximum reliability at the most cost-effective ..
Odyssey 3E, Texecom External SounderThe Odyssey 3E brings a new dimension to style and performan..
Odyssey 4E, Texecom External SounderDefining a new benchmark for residential sounders, the Odyss..
Odyssey 5E, Texecom External SounderA cost-effective Odyssey 5E version is also available, featu..
MB1The Master Blaster is a powerful motor driven siren designed for use as an internal/external ..